Welcome to St. Stephen’s!


When asked to describe their Church, the words most often repeated in the parishioners’ answers are: “a second home, a welcoming family, caring and accepting people, a very social and warm congregation,” and “a very special and uplifting place.” Besides offering a spiritual home, St. Stephen’s extends a feeling of community to anyone who wishes to partake. We have a robust music program with a talented organist and a dedicated choir. The congregation has a strong commitment to help those in need within the community, and to enrich their knowledge of Christ and of the scriptures. 


Interested in Visiting?

“a second home, a welcoming family, caring and accepting people, a very social and warm congregation,” and “a very special and uplifting place.”

Welcome to St. Stephen's

A Small Church With a Warm Heart

Upcoming Events!

St. Stephen’s is excited to host and/or participate in the following events. We hope you can join us for some, or all of them!

September 11th - Elite Repeats Reopens! Learn more about our thrift shop here.

September 18th - Our Wednesday, Drop-In Lectionary Bible Study returns! No Preparation needed; join us when you can!

September 29th - 5th Sunday- Joint Service at St. Paul’s, Hopkinton, Potluck Luncheon following the service

October 5th - Blessing of the Animals- St. Stephen’s

We host BINGO the second and fourth Tuesday of every month! Learn more here, and join us!

Virtual Sunday School (click the link to learn more.) First Sunday for the fall 2024 will be September 15th!



Parish News
